Shipping Policy

Shipping and Delivery Policy for Friendly Talks:

Shipping Information:

We offer tele consultation services to clients across India & Other Nations. Our services are delivered electronically and do not require physical shipping.

Delivery Timeframe:

Upon successful payment, our backend system will auto initiate the service delivery process within few seconds. The exact timeframe may vary based on there network condition & bank server connectivity.

Service Delivery:

Our services are delivered digitally through in app purchases. Clients will receive communication regarding service initiation and further instructions via email during the payment process.

Client Cooperation:

Prompt and accurate information the client provides is essential for smooth service delivery. Delays may occur if client-provided details are incomplete or inaccurate.

Delivery Confirmation:

Clients will receive service delivery confirmation via email and any relevant login credentials or access details, where applicable.

Shipping Charges:

As we provide digital services, no physical shipping is involved; hence, no shipping charges are applicable.

Refund Policy:

We strive for client satisfaction. However, due to the nature of digital services, we do not offer refunds once the service is initiated and delivered.

Contact Information:

For any queries or assistance regarding our shipping and delivery policy, please contact us at or +91-9740583956.

This policy is effective as of 05 February 2024 and is subject to change without prior notice. Clients are advised to review the policy periodically for any updates or modifications.